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Last updated Jul 5, 2023

# What are they?

Inequalities are types of questions which involve two algebraic expressions, one of which is lesser than the other. In school maths, inequality questions generally ask you to find a range of values that satisfy the inequality. For example, I’m sure most of you have seen something similar to
’Find all x so that x + 3 ≥ 12’. The other class of inequalities is the main one that appears in olympiads, and the one this handout focuses on. These types of questions provide you with two algebraic expressions, and require that you prove that one is <,≤,≥, or > than the other.

# How to manipulate inequalities

You should probably know how to do this before moving on.

# Some fundamental inequalities

The trivial inequality: x2 ≥ 0 for any real x, with equality at x = 0.
This inequality is the foundation of several more, and something you must know for any olympiad. It seems incredibly obvious, but it is also quite powerful and can be used to derive a variety of results. For example, try the following problem only using the trivial inequality: Prove that for all triplets (a,b,c),  we have a2 + b2 + c2 ≥ ab + bc + ac The more astute among you might immediately recognise what to do here. If you can’t see it yet: don’t worry. It’s not very obvious to people who are new to inequalities.
We already know that we should be using the trivial inequality in some way, so how?
Well, let’s see what happens when we rearrange it: we have a2 + b2 + c2 − ab − ac − bc. It may remind you of the expansion of (ab)2, but it’s off by a factor of 2. So, consider the following 2a2 + 2b2 + 2c2 − 2ab − 2ac − 2bc, which upon rearranging yields a2 − 2ab + b2 + a2 − 2ac + c2 + b2 − 2bc + c2 = (ab)2 + (ac)2 + (bc)2. By the trivial inequality, all of these squares must be at least 0, so (ab)2 + (ac)2 + (bc)2 ≥ 0. Upon dividing this by two, we get the original statement.

We can now use the trivial inequality to prove a much more powerful inequality.

# The AM-GM inequality:

$$\text{For any positive reals } a_1, a_2, …, a_n \text{ we have } \frac{a_1 + a_2 + … + a_n}{n} \geq \sqrt[n]{a_1a_2\cdots a_n}$$ Ok, I lied a bit. While we can use the trivial inequality to prove it for all n, the process is rather time-consuming, complicated, and just generally annoying to write. We can, however, prove it fairly easy for n = 2. $$\text{Prove that, for any two positive reals } a, b, \hspace{10pt} \frac{a+b}{2} \geq \sqrt{ab}$$ This looks weirdly close to a perfect square, except for that annoying denominator on the LHS. So, we can double both sides and rearrange to get: $$a - 2\sqrt{ab} + b \geq 0$$ Which is indeed the expansion of $(\sqrt{a} - \sqrt{b})^2$, and so by the trivial inequality we are done.

Let’s try a simple inequality with the power of AM-GM: Let a, b, c ≥ 0. Then, prove that (a+b)(a+c)(b+c) ≥ 8abc We can immediately see that we want to prove that a product of sums is less than a product. In most of these kinds of problems, AM-GM will do you just fine. So, we take a leap of faith and apply AM-GM to each of the bracketed pairs (I divided each term by 2 to make it clearer): $$(a+b)(a+c)(b+c) = 8(\frac{a+b}{2})(\frac{a+c}{2})(\frac{b+c}{2}) \geq 8(\sqrt{ab})(\sqrt{ac})(\sqrt{bc}) = 8 \sqrt{a^2b^2c^2} = 8abc.$$ And we’re done. The AM-GM inequality is actually a corollary of a much stronger, generalised inequality.

Warning: Yes, what you are about to see is very complicated. You don’t need to memorise this for AMO or ASC - only the most important corollaries are required, which I will discuss after.

# Power means inequality:

$$\text{For some positive reals } a_1, a_2,…,a_n, \text{ define}$$

$$M_r = (\frac{a_1^r+a_2^r+…+a_n^r}{n})^{\frac{1}{r}} \text{ for all non-zero reals } r \text{ and } M_0 = \sqrt[n]{a_1a_2…a_n}.$$

Then, for r > s, Mr ≥ Ms with equality if and only if a1 = a2 = … = an

You might notice that M1 is actually just the AM, and M0 is just the GM. So, we already have the generalised version of AM-GM just from this. But, there are only 4 means that are actually relevant.
The actually important means: Quadratic - Arithmetic - Geometric - Harmonic

$$\text{Define } QM = M_2, AM = M_1, GM = M_0, HM = M_{-1}. $$

$$\text{Then, } M_2 \geq M_1 \geq M_0 \geq M_{-1} \text{ or, more clearly, }$$

$$\sqrt{\frac{a_1^2 + a_2^2 + … + a_n^2}{n}} \geq \frac{a_1 + a_2 + … + a_n}{n} \geq \sqrt[n]{a_1a_2…a_n} \geq \frac{n}{\frac{1}{a_1} + \frac{1}{a_2} + … + \frac{1}{a_n}}$$

It looks scary, but it’s actually a really powerful tool. Before we move on, see if you can figure out how to prove GM-HM (i.e. the rightmost part)! Hint: you’ll have to assume AM-GM is true and use that (I can’t be bothered proving AM-GM for all n here, it’s far too long for me to care. Just believe that it’s true and it will be - a surprisingly useful strategy in olympiads)

Now, let’s try tackle some problems using the powerful power means inequality. $$\text{Suppose } x_1, x_2 … x_n \text{ are positive reals so that } x_1x_2 \cdots x_n = 1.$$

$$\text{Then, for } r > s > 0, \text{ we have } x_1^r + x_2^r + … + x_n^r \geq x_1^s + x_2^s + … + x_n^s$$

This is about as close to power means as you can get, specifically Mr and Ms. Writing this out:

$$(\frac{x_1^r+x_2^r+…+x_n^r}{n})^{\frac{1}{r}} \geq (\frac{x_1^s+x_2^s+…+x_n^s}{n})^{\frac{1}{s}}$$ Which, upon raising both sides to the power of r, rearranges to $$\frac{x_1^r + x_2^r … + x_n^r}{n} \geq (\frac{x_1^s+x_2^s+…+x_n^s}{n})^{\frac{r}{s}} = (\frac{x_1^s+x_2^s+…+x_n^s}{n}) \cdot (\frac{x_1^s+x_2^s+…+x_n^s}{n})^{\frac{r}{s}-1}$$ But, by assumption we have $\frac{r}{s} - 1 > 0$, and by AM-GM we have $$\frac{x_1^s + x_2^s + … + x_n^s}{n} \geq \sqrt[n]{x_1^sx_2^s…x_n^s} = 1 \implies (\frac{x_1^s + x_2^s + … + x_n^s}{n})^{\frac{r}{s} - 1} \geq 1$$ $$\text{So, } \frac{x_1^r + x_2^r + … + x_n^r}{n} \geq (\frac{x_1^s+x_2^s+…+x_n^s}{n}) \cdot (\frac{x_1^s+x_2^s+…+x_n^s}{n})^{\frac{r}{s}-1} \geq \frac{x_1^s+x_2^s+…+x_n^s}{n}$$ And multiplying by n yields the desired inequality. This inequality is also quite useful in it’s own right, so it’s definitely worth keeping in mind.

# Cauchy-Schwarz: Another powerful inequality.

$$\text{For two sequences of real numbers } \{ x_1, x_2, …, x_n\} \text{ and } \{ y_1, y_2, …, y_n\}, \text{ we have }$$ $$(x_1^2 + x_2^2 + … + x_n^2)(y_1^2 + y_2^2 + … + y_n^2) \geq (x_1y_1 + x_2y_2 + … + x_ny_n)^2 $$ with equality if and only if there exists some constant c such that yi = cxi for all i. Cauchy-Schwarz is quite a powerful inequality, especially when it comes to dealing with squares or square roots. As the holy grail of mathematics, Problem Solving Tactics, says: $$\textit{If there are squares or square roots, try Cauchy-Schwarz.}$$ $$\textit{If there are products or fractions, try Cauchy-Schwarz.}$$ If all else fails, try Cauchy-Schwarz. So, with the power of Cauchy-Schwarz on our side, let’s try solve an problem from a while back: $$\text{Prove AM-HM, that is, } \frac{x_1 + x_2 + … + x_n}{n} \geq \frac{n}{\frac{1}{x_1} + \frac{1}{x_2} + … + \frac{1}{x_n}}$$ Our first step when looking at this should probably be to recoil in fear at the fractions-in-a-fraction. So, rearranging both sides allows us to rephrase the problem statement as: $$(x_1 + x_2 + … + x_n)(\frac{1}{x_1} + \frac{1}{x_2} + … + \frac{1}{x_n}) \geq n^2$$ Which is very Cauchy looking. Indeed, applying Cauchy-Schwarz to the sequences $\{\sqrt{x_1}, \sqrt{x_2}, …, \sqrt{x_n}\}$ and $\{ \frac{1}{\sqrt{x_1}}, \frac{1}{\sqrt{x_2}}, …, \frac{1}{\sqrt{x_n}}\}$ yields $$(x_1 + x_2 + … + x_n)(\frac{1}{x_1} + \frac{1}{x_2} + … + \frac{1}{x_n}) \geq (\frac{\sqrt{x_1}}{\sqrt{x_1}} + \frac{\sqrt{x_2}}{\sqrt{x_2}} + … + \frac{\sqrt{x_n}}{\sqrt{x_n}})^2 = n^2$$

# Rearrangment inequality: This is quite cool.

$$\text{If } a_1 \geq a_2 \geq … \geq a_n \text{ and } b_1 \geq b_2 \geq … \geq b_n \text{ are any two sequences of reals,}$$ then for any permutation β1, β2, …, βn of b1, b2, …, bn we have the following inequality: a1b2 + a2b2 + … + anbn ≥ a1β1 + a2β2 + … + anβn ≥ a1bn + a2bn − 1 + … + anb1

It looks a bit complicated, so you can essentially think of it as saying that the product of two sequences is maximised when the biggest ones are paired up, and minimised when the biggest and smallest ones are paired up. Let’s try a problem using this. For positive reals, prove that aabbcc ≥ abbcca Handy trick for these kinds of problems: If there’s a lot of weird powers, try logs!. Since the function log(x) is increasing, we can take the logarithm of both sides without changing the inequality: alog(a) + blog(b) + clog(c) ≥ alog(b) + blog(c) + clog(a) (Simplified using log laws). But upon considering the two sequences a, b, c and log(a), log(b), log(c), and noting that a ≥ b ⟹ log(a) ≥ log(b), we find that, by the rearrangement inequality, their products are maximised when sorted the same way, easily solving the question.

# Weirder inequalities

The inequalities in this section are weirder, and while they are helpful in higher level olympiads (AMO Q4/8’s, EGMO, IMO), you’ll almost never need to use them. Also, they’re sort of fringe inequalities, so I haven’t explained or provided example problems here, only their statement.

Jensen’s inequality If the real numbers x1, x2, …, xn lie on an interval where some function f(x) is convex, then $$\frac{f(x_1) + f(x_2) + … + f(x_n)}{n} \geq f(\frac{x_1 + x_2 + … + x_n}{n})$$ $$\text{and the inequality is reversed if $f(x)$ is concave on that interval.}$$ Weighted Power Means $$\text{Given positive reals } x_1, x_2, …, x_n \text{ and weights } w_1, w_2, …, w_n, \text{ with sum $w$, define $M_r$ as }$$ $$M_r = (\frac{w_1a_1^r+w_2a_2^r+…+w_na_n^r}{w})^{\frac{1}{r}} \text{ for all non-zero reals } r \text{ and } M_0 = \sqrt[w]{a_1^{w_1}a_2^{w_2}…a_n^{w_n}}.$$ Then, Mr ≥ Ms for r > s, with equality if and only if a1 = a2 = … = an or w1 = w2 = … = wn = 0 $$\text{Setting } w_1 = w_2 = … = w_n = 1 \text{ results in the original unweighted power means inequality.}$$ Hölder’s inequality $$\text{Let } a_1, a_2, …, a_n \text{ and } b_1, b_2, …, b_n \text{ be two sets of non-negative reals. Let $p, q \in \mathbb{R}$ such that } \frac{1}{p} + \frac{1}{q} = 1.$$ $$\text{Then, } (a_1^p + a_2^p + … + a_n^p)^{\frac{1}{p}}(b_1^q + b_2^q + … + b_n^q)^{\frac{1}{q}} \geq a_1b_1 + a_2b_2 + … + a_nb_n $$ Tangent-line trick: $$\text{Suppose we have reals } x_1, x_2, …, x_n \text{ that sum to $s$. Then, for some function}$$ $$f(x) \geq ax + b \text{ for all $x$ and some constants $a,b$, we have } f(x_1) + f(x_2) + … f(x_n) \geq as + bn.$$ Muirhead’s inequality: Very cool inequality but it will literally never be useful. $$\text{A sequences of reals } A = (a_1, a_2, …, a_n) \text{ is said to majorise another sequence } B = (b_1, b_2, …, b_n) \text{ if} $$ $$a_1 \geq a_2 \geq … \geq a_n \text{ and } b_1 \geq b_2 \geq … \geq b_n \text{ and for all } 1 \leq i < n, \text{ we have} $$ a1 + a2 + … + ai ≥ b1 + b2 + … + bi,  along with a1 + a2 + … + an = b1 + b2 + … + bn. So, Muirhead’s inequality says that if A majorises B, then we have: $$\sum_{sym} x_1^{a_1}x_2^{a_2} \cdots x_n^{a_n} \geq \sum_{sym} x_1^{b_1}x_2^{b_2} \cdots x_n^{b_n} \hspace{10pt} \text{ for any non-negative reals } x_1, x_2, …, x_n. $$ Schur’s inequality: Also cool but probably useless. For all non-negative reals a, b, c, r,  we have: ar(ab)(ac) + br(ba)(bc) + cr(ca)(cb) ≥ 0

# Assorted problems to try

Arranged in roughly increasing difficulty

Problem 1: Find the minimum value of abc given a + 4b + 16c = 256

Problem 2: Suppose x1, x2, …, xn are positive reals with product 1. Prove that (1+x1)(1+x2)…(1+xn) ≥ 2n

Problem 3: If a, b, c are positive reals, prove that $\frac{a}{b+c} + \frac{b}{a+c} + \frac{c}{a + b} \geq \frac{3}{2}$ in three different ways

Problem 4: For positive a, b, if a + b = 1, prove that $$\frac{(a+1)(b+1)}{ab} \geq \frac{9}{4}$$

Problem 5: For positive reals a, b, c, d, prove that $$\frac{1}{a} + \frac{1}{b} + \frac{4}{c} + \frac{16}{d} \geq \frac{64}{a+b+c+d}$$

Problem 6: Let A, B, C be the angles of an acute triangle. Prove that $$\text{ sin }A + \text{ sin }B + \text{ sin }C \leq \frac{3\sqrt{3}}{2}$$

Problem 7: Let x > 1 be a real number, and n > 1 be an integer. Prove that $$1 + \frac{x-1}{nx} < \sqrt[n]{x} < 1 + \frac{x-1}{n}$$

Problem 8: For positive reals a, b, c, prove that $$\frac{a+b+c}{3} \geq \sqrt{\frac{ab + bc + ac}{3}}$$

Problem 9: For n ≥ 3, let a2, a3, …, an be positive reals such that a2a3an = 1. Prove that (1+a2)2(1+a3)3…(1+an)n > nn

Problem 10: Let a ≥ b ≥ c ≥ d > 0 be reals so that a + b + c + d = 1. Prove that (a+2b+3c+4d)aabbccdd < 1

# ISL Time! These problems are from past IMO’s, and also IMO

Shortlist. A few of these are A6-8’s i.e. the hardest problems proposed for the IMO, and insanely difficult to solve. So don’t feel bad if you spend a month on one and can’t solve it. The last one is the legendary IMO 2021 Q2, which only had 16 solves and an average score of 0.375/7. Good luck!

Problem 11: Prove that, for all positive reals a, b, c, we have (a2+2)(b2+2)(c2+2) ≥ 9(ab+bc+ac)

Problem 12: Suppose a, b, c, d are non-negative reals with sum 4. Determine the minimal value of $$\frac{a}{b^3+4} + \frac{b}{c^3+4} + \frac{c}{d^3+4} + \frac{d}{a^3+4}$$

Problem 13: Prove that for all positive reals a, b, c, k, we have $$\frac{a}{\sqrt{a^2 + kbc}} + \frac{b}{\sqrt{b^2 + kac}} + \frac{c}{\sqrt{c^2 + kab}} \geq \frac{3}{\sqrt{1+k}}$$

Problem 14: Let a1, a2, …, an, b1, b2, …, bn be non-negative real numbers. Prove that $$\sum_{i=1}^n \sum_{j=1}^n \text{min}(a_ia_j, b_ib_j) \leq \sum_{i=1}^n \sum_{j=1}^n \text{min}(a_ib_j, a_jb_i)$$

Problem 15: Let x1, x2, …, xn, y1, y2, …, yn ∈ [0,1] be reals such that xi + yi = 1 for all i ≤ n. For any positive integer m, prove (1−x1x2xn)m + (1−y1m)(1−y2m)…(1−ynm) ≥ 1

Problem 16: Let a, b, c be positive reals such that a2 + b2 + c2 + abc = 4. Prove that 0 ≤ ab + bc + ac − abc ≤ 2

Problem 17: Let a1, a2, …, an ∈ [1,2k] for some n, k. Prove that $$\sum_{i=1}^n \frac{a_i}{\sqrt{a_1^2 + … + a_i^2}} \leq 4\sqrt{kn}$$

Problem 18: If a, b, c, d are non-negative reals with sum 100, find the maximal value of $$\sqrt[3]{\frac{a}{b+7}} + \sqrt[3]{\frac{b}{c+7}} + \sqrt[3]{\frac{c}{d+7}} + \sqrt[3]{\frac{d}{a+7}}$$

Problem 19: Prove that, for all x1, x2, …xn ∈ ℝ $$\sum_{1 \leq i \leq j \leq n}\sqrt{|x_i - x_j|} \leq \sum_{1 \leq i \leq j \leq n}\sqrt{|x_i + x_j|} \\$$